First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies out there! Being a mom is really hard work, and it gets tougher and tougher as the years go by. It's not really just about the care giving, but mostly about the things we worry about once our children grow. We have to let them make mistakes and learn certain things on their own. How can you watch someone you love with everything you've got make a mistake? How do you stop yourself from protecting them for every single little thing? How do you let them be independent and set your feelings aside when all you want to do is hug them and never let go? Well, that's the hard part of being a mom. Giving birth, breastfeeding, waking up in the middle of the night to care for a screaming baby, those are things that come with the territory. I know we would all love to get our full 8 hours of sleep but it's all part of the joys of parenting. So for all you do, thank you!

Everyone says that their mom is the best mom in the whole world; and while all moms are special and are the best, today, I wanted to tell you why my mom is the best in MY world...
She's always there
No matter what, my mom is ALWAYS THERE. Whether she's worked until 12am the night before and gotten up at 6am to go back to work, if I need her, she's there. For homework, school projects, school recitals, graduation, broken hearts, happy moments, wedding, child birth, you name it, she was there.
She supports me
My entire life my mom has supported my decisions and my dreams. No matter how hard I had to work to achieve my goals, she has always been there cheering me on to make everything a little easier.
She's a wonderful caregiver
There is nothing like having my mom take care of me when I'm sick. Her chicken soup brings anyone back from the dead! Chicken soup + love = happiness.
She's always prepared
I think my mom has a bottomless purse. Anything you may need or want is in my mom's purse, and not just that, she thinks of everything for any situation and she truly always amazes me! I hope to be like her someday.
She has an amazing attitude
It's like nothing ever bothers her. She's always calm, cool, and collective and I admire that about her. She's always had a great "poker face" no matter what's going on around her.
She's funny
My mom has the cutest and funniest sense of humor. She's quirky and really just too cute.
She's loving
Even though she may not think she is, she has her own special way of giving me love. Plus, she holds my hand and always gives me her blessing; if that's not love, I don't know what is :D
She's an amazing grandma
I could not expect any less from my mom. She's just such a kind-hearted person with a great personality and so much love to give. She's caring and patient. She spoils my son rotten but always makes sure he has everything he needs. My son loves her soooo much and it reminds me of my relationship with my grandma; it was a really special one.
Thank you ma, for everything you do for me and my little one. I feel the love and I know your dedication. Don't ever think that anything you've ever done for me has gone unnoticed. You deserve the world and more!

So what does a mom really want? what does a mom really need? Love, affection, understanding, and acknowledgment. Material things are always nice, but being shown that we are loved and appreciated means so much more.
Regardless, we can't show up at mom's house empty handed... so here are some gift ideas for the most special woman in our lives...
Best sunscreen! I swear by it and it's super hydrating
Tory Burch perfume, I love this scent
Crossbody bag in the color of the year is just too perfect
Concentrate eye serum duo
Pendant earrings